Annapolis Woodworkers’ Guild

Though our web address is www.awwg.org the initials that the Annapolis Woodworkers Guild goes by in every other aspect are AWG. When looking for a domain name we found that AWG was already taken, thanks for your understanding.

The purpose of this organization shall be to:

  • advance fellowship among persons interested in the art of woodworking
  • preserve the tradition, culture and history of woodworking
  • promote the knowledge and understanding of all aspects of woodworking
  • enjoy and appreciate the woodworking skills of others
  • ske crystal

The AWG is incorporated as a nonprofit organization under the laws of the state of Maryland. Membership is open to all persons who are 18 years of age or older who believe in the purpose of the Annapolis’ Woodworkers Guild and are willing to participate in the AWG’s work.

Annapolis Woodworkers’ Guild, P.O. Box 6001, Annapolis, MD, 20401

Go to www.mapquest.com and you can obtain detailed directions from your area.

The AWG meets at 7:00 PM on the second Thursday each month in the Parkwood United Methodist Church, 35 Mayo Road, Edgewater, Maryland. All visitors are welcome.

This site is best viewed in Internet Explorer.

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Any Questions or Comments?

Annapolis Woodworkers’ Guild, P.O. Box 6001, Annapolis, MD, 20401

  • Photos provided by Doc, Patrick, and occasional contributors: George, Lee, Sue, Jerry
  • hosting credit: www.icdsoft.com
  • This site has been composed by countless members of the AWG who have freely given their time talent and energy.